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Malt whisky in a sentence

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Sentence count:20Posted:2019-07-15Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: malt whiskeywalt whitmanwhiskyscotch whiskyriskyat whilesfriskyerstwhileMeaning: n. whiskey distilled in Scotland; especially whiskey made from malted barley in a pot still. 
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(1) Malt whisky is made from malted barley.
(2) You may like a Malt whisky that is peatier, or smokier, or sweeter, or whatever.
(3) She poured out a generous measure of malt whisky and positioned the glass in front of his nose.
(4) The Malt Whisky Trail, a one day car tour, will take you to world-famous distilleries.
(5) You can take the Malt Whisky Trail and visit seven excellent distilleries and enjoy the stunning countryside at the same time.
(6) Malt Whisky: There are 27 distilleries producing almost a third of the total industry capacity.
(7) Would you like a cup of malt whisky?
(8) The Most Expensive Single Malt Whisky in the World!
(9) The result: a Lowland single malt whisky with the tempting aroma of toasted almonds, caramelized toffee and the signature smooth, delicate, Auchentoshan taste.
(10) How is peat used in the making of malt whisky?
(11) "The malt whisky market will take time, but the people with disposable income are starting to try malts, and we as a business have some good private customers," Singh added.
(12) Morayshire is the heart of the whisky industry and you can take the famous Whisky Trail to seven distinctive malt whisky distilleries.
(13) The fellowship was set up in 1977 and is sponsored by William Grant and Sons, distillers of Glenfiddich malt whisky.
(14) Islay Prawn Delight - prawns blended with mayonnaise and malt whisky. 6.
(15) The chief inspector kicked off her shoes and poured a slug of single malt whisky.
(16) Barley is the main essential ingredient in the creation of Malt Whisky.
(17) The host took out a bottle of 12 - year - old malt whisky to entertain us.
(18) Finally, on the evening of Christmas day 1887, the first drops of smooth luxuriant pure Glenfiddich malt whisky began to flow from the distillers.
(19) The Dalmore's 1951 Sirius Vintage is a single-cask, single malt whisky, with a cask strength of 45%.
(20) He uses the high-sugar urine of elderly diabetes patients to make a kind of high-end single malt whisky, which he named "Gilpin Family Whisky."
More similar words: malt whiskeywalt whitmanwhiskyscotch whiskyriskyat whilesfriskyerstwhilesaltworkssaltwaternasal twanga short while agogreat white hoperisky venturewhiskgreat white sharkfraternal twinidentical twinsaltwater fishwhiskerwhisk offwhiskeywhisk awaywhiskerywhiskerswhiskeredbewhiskeredmaltmaltasmall white
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